AWAKEN the REVERENT REBEL! Bright Full Moon Blessings to all…may magic be abound!

Today’s FULL MOON in VIRGO has been quite an illuminating ride…wouldn’t you say? This is the final emotional purification before we head into the spring equinox and eclipse season. We are getting a glimpse of our soul code for healing into wholeness. And, wholenes requires full acceptance, deep surrender and communion with spirit so we can be of service – to the self first and then to others.

Being a rebel to our past conditioning and the influences of our culture and memory, while giving reverence to the process as purposeful and sacred, is a way of honoring what is true and authentic. Virgo is an earth sign and this lunation invites us to connect and honor the holy ground we walk upon. To be in tune with the day to day path and give reverence to each step. In yoga this is our sadhana or discipline. Sadhana leads us to moksha or liberation and our daily discipline guides us deep within to experience our most pure whole self by stripping away the layers of illusion and releasing the grasp of the egoic mind. Combining fluidity with facts, right brain with left brain, the details with the big picture is the challenge and opportunity at this junctor. The urge may be to avoid or escape from those areas that are uncomfortable rather than confronting and breaking through – ultimately the invitation is to be brave in the face our truth.

“Your deeper knowing seeks to be embodied in the way you speak, the way you relate to others and yourself. It seeks to be embodied in your humanity, as if it’s saying, ‘Live this, live this, live this.’ ” ~ Adyashanti

My questions to you is: what would it feel like to live your prayers – to become a living prayer?

#fullmoon #virgomoon #starlightmuse #reverentrebel#adyashanti #livethis