“Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

NEW MOON in VIRGO: Sep 9, 2018 @ 2:01 pm EST at 17 degrees

Today’s New Moon highlights the Virgo/Pisces axis connecting us to that which is real versus imagined and the ability to bring the formless into form. Both of which are essential in developing and integrating new paradigms individually and collectively. This polarity is enhanced by a Moon/Sun opposition to Neptune. Our dreams may be more predominant than ever, but simultaneously, we are primed to take steps congruent with those dreams.

This lunation is also in positive aspect to Jupiter and Pluto, uplifting and empowering us toward our purpose and our passion. Our soul wants nothing more than to become self-actualized. To fulfill its potential; to believe and live in alignment with itself and in accordance with the laws of nature. To be self-actualized is to fully embody our truths, to accept the process and live in harmony with life.

“I exist as I am, that is enough.” ~ Walt Whitman

Virgo is the sign of service and humility. It thrives on the ability to harvest its potential and utilize its resources for the benefit of all. As humans, we often struggle to balance our ability to be of service to others without compromising ourselves. Remember, the yogic path is the path of harmony… any area of consciousness out of balance will eventually swing on its axis. As we remain balanced in our day to day lives, nurturing our body, mind, and spirit we sustain the capacity to nurture others.

“It is easy to live for others, everybody does. I call on you to live for yourself.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

With Mercury, ruler of this lunation, in its home sign of Virgo and in a grand earth trine with Uranus and Saturn we are primed for planning and building toward innovative change. Earth signs enhance the practical side of thinking and bring us back to what is essential. Many of us will reconnect with our roots, our purity and our purpose within the tribe.

In esoteric yoga, Virgo rules the feminine aspect of the Vishuddha (throat) Chakra. It represents communion with our human spirit. It also corresponds to the mind and sorting through information, along with, our ability to discern and make sense of reality. As we come to understand that which is true, that which is pure, that which makes us whole, we then transform knowledge into wisdom. Knowledge is a valuable commodity, but living with wisdom (our value) is true wealth.

Ask Yourself: What am I devoted to on a daily basis and why? How can I become more whole, more sustaining?

Traits of Self-Actualized Individuals: 

  • Self-Accepting (imperfect)
  • Realistic, Grateful, Purposeful
  • Ethical and Responsible
  • Humble
  • Independent and Spontaneous
  • Unconventional
  • Growth and Process Oriented
  • Value Solitude (equal to social)
  • Thoughtful Sense of Humor

Sending Blessings Abound for a Purposeful New Moon!
Devotedly yours, Elaina

Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of harmony and fulfillment. For a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.

Moon/Sun opposite Neptune
Moon/Sun trine Pluto
Moon/Sun sextile Jupiter
Mercury in Virgo
Mercury in grand earth trine with Uranus and Saturn