“I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love.” ~ William Blake

VENUS, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Abundance plays the role of fun-loving charmer in the shapeshifting sign of Gemini. With the many masks of the twins and their efforts to cultivate divine play hers is the mask of transparency, openness, and compassion – the sincere heart of the fool. Venus is affectionate and expressive in Gemini showing her sentiments through innocent curiosity and creative wonderment. Her magnetic attraction extends beyond physical appearance with her flirty wit and lighthearted humor. She wants to dance and express herself with inspired abandon!

Gemini is a social sign and loves to engage in conversation, share ideas, and question everything. Gemini influence on Venus is refined, with a mischevious sparkle and the ability to shapeshift even the most awkward situation into a quality of sweetness and love.

When Venus is in Gemini it’s a great time to focus on lightness of being, getting curious and HAVING FUN! Enjoy!

ps. Frida Kahlo is a wonderful example of this expression with natal Venus in Gemini!