“Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.”
~ Virginia Woolf

NEW MOON in TAURUS: May 15, 2018 @ 7:47am at 24 degrees

ASK YOURSELF: What will it take to set myself free…to freely embody my full value and claim the power of my unique brilliance?

Today’s NEW MOON is activating our CREATIVE POWER and the innate authority we have over our personal resources. We are remembering what’s required to rightfully claim what is ours and stop possessing the resources of others. It all comes down to what we most value. Identifying what is essential mirrors true value.

Taurus is the sign of material possessions, sensual experience, and wealth and is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love, grace, magnetism, abundance, harmony, and beauty. Venus is currently transiting through Gemini the sign of duality and communion. Gemini is the trickster and shapeshifter and is here to remind us of the power of our every thought and word.

I created this personal ritual for myself today and thought I would share…

Set aside 30-60 minutes over the next day or two to sit quietly and contemplate what you most value. Gather your journal, a sacred text or book of poetry, you may even include a deck of oracle cards. Take 5-10 minutes to just sit quietly centering yourself. Meditate on an object of beauty, visualizing a beautiful object and holding your focus here until you become the object of beauty merging with its essence. You may also choose to select an oracle card or open your chosen text to a random page for additional insight before or after your meditation. When you’re meditation is complete take out your journey and do the following writing exercise. Make a list of what you MOST VALUE and WHY. Then make another list of the possessions you most value. Contemplate your answers and refine as you see fit. Finally, create a prayer or verbal decree to consecrate your ritual. You may use or modify something like this…

Resources are power. Authority (self-mastery) is power. Creativity is expressed power.

See below for my personal example…

I MOST VALUE and why
NATURE & BEAUTY – A sunrise, flowers, trees… because they inspire me and elicit a feeling of connection and joy. It represents harmony.

FREEDOM – Wild, passionate, equanimous, inspired… because I feel unrestrained, empowered, alive…this is my primary objective in life.

HONESTY – Accountable, responsible, trustworthy, clarity… because I choose not to be in denial.

INTEGRITY –  Integrity is Truth – it sustains through time. I live true to myself… because the only thing I have true authority over is myself…and my goal is mastery.

CONNECTION – Friendships, intimacy, depth, learning, sharing… because Life is connection.

BOOKS – I value wisdom

CAR & BIKE – For me they symbolize freedom and the ability to move about freely…to get up and go.

HEALTH – I possess my health in the fact that I choose to feed my body and mind in an nourishing fashion.

CREATIVE SUPPLIES – If I have nothing else, at least I can create.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS – It brings people together to sing and dance.

I DO LOVE MY COMPUTER… access to information at my fingertips – it’s just amazing! And, my ability to write and cataloug documents with ease.

Wishing you INFINITE Blessings and Love…Om shanti, om peace… elaina

Moon/Sun trine Pluto
Moon/Sun trine Mars
Venus in Gemini
Uranus ingress into Taurus