“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” ~ Gautama Buddha

FULL MOON in TAURUS: Oct 27 @ 8:04am EST 4 degrees

Our PURPOSE in life IS TO LIVE. To live with purposeful passion.

The qualities of Taurus are purposeful, practical and loyal, deriving great pleasure and knowledge through sense engagement. Much of the human experience elicits a desire for pleasure, and now is a wonderful time to understand how our senses allure us into placing value on our life experiences.  Often times, when we expose ourselves to full gratification of the senses our deepest desires, insecurities, vulnerabilities and fears arise causing heightened emotional consequences. The Scorpio Sun/Taurus moon polarity draws these aspects of ourselves to the surface. A gift of embodied life is having a cellular component that resonates with abundant information and guidance. When we listen resolutely, utilizing all the senses, and honor the deep embedded knowing of the body we come to realize our purpose.

Venus, the ruling planet of this lunation is in Virgo opposing Chiron, the wounded healer. Understanding our wounds in relationship, creative expression, attracting wealth and experiencing beauty will show us the way to healing ourselves and transforming our sense of self-worth and self-love. Chiron’s influence can cause us to feel disconnected and isolated (as our wounds often do), however, the opportunity here is to uplift and reclaim all aspects of ourselves, and live in fullness…to live wholly. [Reciting the Isha Upanishad can be very supportive during this time.]

The new moon in Libra on Oct 12 set the table for a magnificent Taurean feast of sensual pleasure and the beautiful experience of embodying harmony as we liberated our love. Now, at this culminating full moon we return to what we most value in ourselves and that which we are able and willing to materialize. Knowing the attritubes we possess that are long standing and supportive – that generate a sense of inner passion and a form of pleasure will lead us to purpose. Venus is conjunct both Jupiter and Mars super charging and uplifting our Venusian powers of devotion while adding initiative and vitality to our healing and regeneration in relation to refining our desires.

Taurus is latin for Bull and The Bull has purpose – a readiness to bring value to its greatest gifts. The bull is loyal to that which it values, it appreciates beauty and the experience of earthly life. Freedom comes when we know our purpose and are taking actions toward that purpose, while remembering that harmonious relationships will always surrender stubborn personal drives. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created and it’s not necessarily grand, lofty or extraordinary…it’s simply fulfilling a resoluteness and a knowing of who we are, our true nature – aligning our gifts and our hearts desire with ever greater commitment, steadfastness and passion.

The best medicine for this lunation is to connect sensually, be in nature, create art, refine our wardrobes and appearences, initiate healthy habits and appreciate the beauty of life. Taureans love being connected to nature and to presence — living moment to moment and appreciating every morcel of joy, bliss, beauty, and sweetness…the smells, scents, tastes and touches…indulging in what is beautiful.

Being in our body is being human. And, yes you are human! No getting around it. It is a spiritual gift to be incarnated in human form and an opportunity for awakening in consciousness. It also comes with a level of responsibility and purpose. As each of us are seeking to know and live our purpose, we forget that being in our body – listening and experiencing – is the purpose. To fully embrace the earthly life, with all its pleasures and realities, the practicalities, limitations, abilities and inabilities…that is the purpose. To cultivate value, pleasure and equanimity in all things.

May inspiration soar – coursing through us creatively and passionately… nourishing trust in our sense knowing and allowing pleasure to merge with value.  Sensual receptivity enhances our ability to live with greater fervor and joy! Behold beauty and live with purposeful passion. Our full BEINGness is magnificent and our PURPOSE is to LIVE our fullness.

Venus in Virgo
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Venus conjunct Mars
Venus opposed Chiron

May beauty permeate you and love embrace you, now and always…

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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