“The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

NEW MOON ECLIPSE in CAPRICORN: Jan 5, 2019 @ 8:28pm EST at 15 degreesB

As both the first new moon and the first eclipse of 2019 this extra potent lunation is setting the tone for the next six to twelve months. With six planets (a stellium) currently in Capricorn, the qualities of commitment and determination are being infused into our experience. But first, we may get a glimpse of what needs to shift in order to stand in our true nature with evermore integrity, harmony and wholeness.

Obstacles on the path of life can feel insurmountable often stopping us in our tracks. The feeling of limitation, restriction, and fear can have a threatening quality and may even precipitate feelings of confusion or confrontation. In these moments the opportunity is to transform the restriction into something expansive. With patience and determination, the path inevitably becomes more clear when we choose to embrace and move through our challenges. It is from this vantage point that life opens up and we feel empowered, connected, and free.

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

The time is certainly NOW to instill any changes we intend to be long-standing. Whether we’re preparing the soil for the garden of our mind, or rebuilding the crumbling bricks of the foundation of our life and body or reinforcing the beams supporting the structures of our relationships, the perseverance and dedication we contribute now will be the ground that endures through time.

Saturn is currently transiting the sign it rules, Capricorn, and is conjunct the Sun and Moon. Saturn is the the Lord of Time and is referred to as the karmic record keeper. With Pluto also in the Capricorn mix this lunation may well be about breaking ties with old ways. Transforming karmic imprints and re-establishing our sense of security and trust.

Eclipses have long been recognized as portals of opportunity and reveal pointed clues as to what’s needed from a broad perspective to maintain greater balance and harmony in our lives. Don’t fret if the symbols showing up this weekend are a bit more intense than usual. These energies are nothing we’re not accustomed to, in fact, you may be more poised than ever to confront the fears that have held you back in the past.

Our dreams of the future are guiding us forward, but we remain realistic in our approach toward managing these goals. Knowing where we are going and what we want aligns us to the path. Trusting in the process of life is the next step. And finally, we align body, mind, and soul with determination to live our dreams today (Saturn sextile Neptune); in doing so we activate the potential of our deepest hopes and wishes.

The New Year is always a time to take stock of our lives and to reinforce our path as we step into the next cycle. On Jan 6, one day after the eclipse Uranus will go stationary direct and all the planets will be in forward motion. This is an ideal time to utilize the cosmic forces to support whatsoever is primed for forward movement.

Every time has a place and every place has a time, knowing how you fit into this equation is the sweet spot. I have no doubt each of us will be syncing in to that “oh so good” feeling thatis both unmistakable and indescribable. Freedom is our longing…connection is our goal.

Om shanti, om peace…

Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of harmony and fulfillment. For a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.

Moon/Sun conjunct Saturn
Moon/Sun conjunct Pluto
Saturn in Capricorn
Mercury in Capricorn
Mercury square Mars
Moon/Sun sextile Neptune
Saturn sextile Neptune