“Where there is unity there is victory.” ~ Publilius Syrus

NEW MOON in ARIES: Apr 15, 2108 @ 9:57pm EST at 26 degrees

Today’s New Moon ignites a new beginning and a cycle which heralds a blooming victory born of a creative impulse and the active energies required to live our true passion. It is an electric moon with the erratic charge of Uranus surging through it; arising in the form of an unexpected storm, a sudden shift in perspective, a flash of insight, a shock way, a reversal, or an awakening – each of which is spurring radical change in the way we view and value ourselves and our purpose in this world.

Mercury goes stationary direct in Aries on the same day as this moon supporting the mental alignment necessary to integrate these changes. With Mercury gaining forward momentum in Aries it has the potential to activate impulsive and reactive mind powers. The objective is to heed the wisdom gained through the retrograde cycle and do the necessary work to stay on course with a clear, focused and methodical direction toward our goals.

Mars the ruling planet of Aries, is in Capricorn ready to take charge, claim authority, and initiate whatsoever is necessary to build blocks for a stable foundation toward our destiny. This requires self-control, sustainability, and unparalleled authenticity. Being sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn we are being asked to take a close look at how we utilize our energies and why. In the sign that represents integrity and personal authority, Marsian energies are restrained here in order to be refined.

In esoteric kriya yoga, Aries is the masculine aspect of the Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra. It represents our willpower, our passion, and our self-identity with the purpose of aligning the willful drives of our lower states of consciousness with our higher will and the will of life divine. Often we use mantra in the form of chants to help balance and align this energy center, lest it reeks havoc by willfully driving itself past the point of no return.

Jai, a Sanskrit term meaning victory to the good (god), is the perfect mantra for this lunation. Even more so Jai Ma translated as praise or victory to mother. Mother, symbolic of the Divine Feminine, represents all potentiality. Aries being the first sign of the zodiac is a rebirth symbol seeded with possibility. It is the honoring of this Shakti (pure creative feminine energy) force that Shiva (pure conscious masculine power) is able to yield his sword.

Shiva is the spirit of life reflecting the natural ever-changing cycles of Shakti. When unified (trusted, respected, honored, aligned) we come into a balanced state of consciousness, which inevitably claims Victory.

SUGGESTED CHANTS for this Lunation

To uplift and harmonize the masculine conscious aspect chant
Jai Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram

To uplift and harmonize the feminine creative aspect chant
Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Jai Ma

May your soul thrive in VICTORY!
Om shanti, om peace… elaina 

PLEASE NOTE +++ If you’d like to receive deeper insights into the landscape of your soul contact Elaina[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here.] +++

Moon/Sun conjunct Uranus
Mars in Capricorn
Mercury in Aries stationary direct