“Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.” ~ Ovid

FULL MOON in ARIES: Sep 24, 2018 @ 10:51 pm EST at 2 degrees

Emotional reactivity, impulsiveness, and self-absorption are all a product of growing pains. Maturation requires tempered daily devotion and steady commitment to personal boundaries that serve ourselves and others. Growing up isn’t just a process it’s an act of love.

Today’s Full Moon in Aries is reminding us of those parts of ourselves that still feel victimized. The pain that others have caused us or the hurts/occurrences that we didn’t feel we deserved. Acceptance is the key theme today’s lunar energies are prompting and presence is the practice that supports resolve.

We seek to be at peace, to be content, in yoga the term is Santosha. As taught in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Santosha is one of the Niyamas or key observances on the path of liberation. To be content means complete acceptance, including any perceived imperfections.

With the moon conjunct Chiron we may be taking things more personal than usual. Chiron is the wound, the moon is our emotions, and Aries represents our sense of self. When we identify with our wounds and experience emotions it’s easy to feel unjustly accused or trapped. But when we accept our life choices and the journey that proceeds without judgment we grow into our experiences and use them as a process that informs greater clarity for future discernment.

Mars, the ruling planet of this lunation, is transiting through Aquarius, the sign of community and is conjunct the south node and in sextile to the Moon. When we consider how our actions will impact the collective we surrender our personal will while adding our individual attributes to the group. We must know thyself in order to recognize willful tendencies and be willing to serve what benefits all.

The Sun and Moon are in a T-square to Saturn, the planetary Lord of karma and time. This aspect amplifies the Sun/Moon polarity drawing the energies toward that which is tangible and real. It truly is a lunation to get real with ourselves. To stop acting out the child in us. To accept the pastors we have crossed and to choose contentment along with a life course that supports responsibility rather than deception.

Life can feel harsh at times and some experiences are difficult to accept… natural disasters, violent atrocities, and the such, can feel unfair and unjust. If you believe in a natural order to our existence, a cosmology, then we can trust in and release what we cannot control. It is our own personal will that seeks direction and focus, not the outcome of our life experience. Any growing pains we endure during this cycle are here to support greater fulfillment and peace, especially when we choose to initiate harmony rather than harm and to be courageously peaceful in the face of adversity.

Sending Blessing Upon Blessing for an illuminating and uplifting day!
Om shanti…om peace

Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of harmony and fulfillment. For a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.

Moon conjunct Chiron
Moon trine North Node
Moon/Sun T-square Saturn
Moon sextile Mars
Mars in Aquarius conjunct south node

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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