“Innovation is change that unlocks new value.” ~ Jamie Notter

URANUS in TAURUS: May 15, 2018 – April 26, 2026

URANUS is the planet of awakening – revolutionizing whatever it touches. It represents the qualities of the future, radical shifts, breaking through, innovation, and FREEDOM! It holds the power of electricity and storms to shake up and clear out stagnant energies that are ready for reform. Uranus is about moving out of status quo and has the potential to unlock whatsoever is necessary for extreme change to occur.

Like Saturn, Uranus has rings and is unique in that its axis is tilted 90+ degrees. It is the only planet that seems to oppose a common rotational orbit around the Sun. In esoteric yoga, Uranus is also linked to Saturn as it is the co-ruler of the root chakra, or Muladhara. It is the one planet that can break up and reform the crystallization of those heavy karmic proclivities and lead us toward greater liberation – moksha!

TAURUS is the sign that brings us back to what is most valuable and essential; back to the core of our resources. Taurus is sensual and down to earth. She wants to return to her roots, to nature and to be immersed in the pleasures of the earthly experience.

URANUS in TAURUS will activate the impulse of creative ingenious. We are shifting into a new paradigm and liberating our selves from patterns that have become too crystallized in relation to what we value and how we understand and represent our resources. We are aligning with true wealth rather than the conditioned wealth of our culture and a misuse of resources.

We will inevitably reclaim what is rightfully ours regarding beauty, self-image, and pleasure. All of which will likely be tossed through a storm that is leading us toward a more harmonious future. But sometimes we must be rattled and shaken by those things that aren’t okay in order to claim the full magnitude and power of what is rightfully ours versus an irreverence for the very essence of things. The natural world plays a huge role in this shift, how we perceive, possess, and manage our natural resources is about to change.

Changes and key issues that are likely to arise as Uranus slowly makes its way through Taurus.

+ Redefining Value and Personal Resources

+ Change in Financial Exchange Systems

+ Perception and Management of Natural Resources

+ Innovation in Sustainability

+ Definition of Material Wealth

+ Re-evaluation of our Posessions

+ Individual Expression of Eccentricity and Uniqueness

+ Sensual Robotics versus Human Contact

+ Virtual Reality versus Tangible Experience

NOTE: The last time Uranus transited through Taurus was approximately 1934-1942. Evolutionary speaking, we tend to spiral upwards, meaning patterns are likely to repeat but with recognizable growth through each cycle. How can we learn from the lessons presented during that time to align ourselves for the greatest awakening in consciousness and on the planet?

Look to see what house(s) Taurus occupies to better understand what area of life this transit will be affecting or CONTACT ME for a personalized reading focused on unlocking this aspect of your consciousness – accessing and uplifting your resources.