Do you ever wonder how trees manage to stay rooted in a storm, or why water flows in a certain direction, or how our bodies process vitamins and energy from the sun, or why a woman’s reproductive cycle matches the cycle of the moon?

Of course, there are plenty of explanations for these questions, yet in them lies a deep connection that remains a mystery.

The nature of connection is like the Tao (translated as the Way). Authentic connection aligns with a natural flow or a natural state of being. As people, animals, and things move through our environment, it becomes very obvious when there is disconnection; as disturbance is created. Disturbances can have many faces, including fear, jealousy, judgment, resentment, and unnecessary attachment. Often resulting in pain and suffering. These attributes perpetuate over time creating cycles in our lives, and more accurately, cycles within our minds.

Connection begins within oneself and is reflected outward. When we connect deeply to ourselves, we begin to see the cause of our disconnection thus the cause of our suffering. With the discomfort of disconnection we inevitably see the connection. This is the gift. Honoring the process and accepting your experience, letting go of patterns that don’t serve you becomes a portal to authentic connection. The mind has a memory and if it remembers the experience of connection it has the ability to return to it at any time. By transforming the powerfully charged forces of the mind, one gains an ability to connect with a universal flow of perpetual being.

The essence of life is in connection, though the mind has evolved the illusion of separation. Separation begins with the concept of time, which is linear and organized sequentially. Being in the moment, however, means yielding through space and time – discovering and listening to your authentic self. It becomes important to recognize that time is created and limited while connection remains eternal.

True connection is a wondrous gift. All we have to do is allow ourselves to experience it.

Daily Reflections

Ask yourself. . .

In what areas of my life do I feel disconnected?

What do I need to see, and let go of, in order to experience connection?

How can my mind serve me in experiencing connection?

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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