“Fire! fire on the mountain!
Almost ablaze still you don’t feel the heat
It takes all you got just to stay on the beat.
You say it’s a livin’, we all gotta eat
But you’re here alone, there’s no one to compete.
If mercy’s a business, I wish it for you
More than just ashes when your dreams come true.”
~ Robert Hunter

MARS RETROGRADE in AQUARIUS [Jun 26 – Aug 27, 2018]
We’re in the retrograde shadow and chances are we’re already feeling the heat.

Obstacles to our forward movement are being witnessed as we burn through the veils of illusion that stand between us and our hopes, dreams, and wishes. Breaking free from subconscious patterning that limits us demands courage to see and make choices beyond our conditioning. It requires the initiative to express ideas and insights outside the status quo and to be readily committed to personal authenticity and living with integrity.

What is right for one person may clearly be wrong for another. Acceptance is key and honoring ourselves and one another is essential. Friendships, community, and tribe are all keynotes to what Mars is activating in the rebellious domain of Aquarius. Radical measures may be the impulse to increase momentum toward future ideals.

ASK YOURSELF: What is my unique role/contribution to the group? And, how much am I willing to risk to serve that role?

Whatever arises during this period is likely to indicate the final war within ourselves that needs to be resolved in the current evolution of self-mastery and our journey toward liberation. Competition must be replaced with collaboration and our focus centered toward a collective goal. Anger can be used as fuel to serve our agendas and activate revolutionary change, inwardly and then outwardly. The right use of our thoughts, time, and energy is the current discourse. Be open to receive the lesson and BE the CHANGE!

+++ To learn more about what area of life this transit will be impacting for you personally look to see what house(s) Aquarius 12-28 degrees is in your natal birth chart or for a more in-depth perspective CONTACT ELAINA to book a Mars Retrograde clarity session. +++