“I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.” ~ Nikos Kazantzakis

Who is ready to get comfortable in the unknown? This lunation may not leave many options for comfort and status quo (the natural inclination for Cancer). However, we will have the opportunity to recognize how our insecurities may be ruling our actions/reactions and inhibiting our freedom. Revolutionizing ourselves and recommitting to new habits – a new sadhana – is the message from Uranus squaring this lunation. It’s NOT time to shy away from our emotions or those intuitive feelings that can’t be shaken. It IS time to heed the wisdom of the hidden and receive the messages of our subconscious. Experiencing and understanding the depth of ourselves calls forth inner transformation.

The crab is continually grasping at a sense of security. All the while the awareness of invitable change remains and the need to let down the defenses and surrender to the natural flow. Letting go isn’t necessarily about people, places, or things it’s about letting go of our way of thinking, perceiving, believing and behaving. It’s about letting go of our fears and conditioning, by tuning in to the wisdom of our deep inner feeling. Going past the surface emotion to our intuitive.

Coming home to ourselves – our truth – claiming our motherly instincts in order to distinguish between need and comfort will help in aligning with the inevitable change. Security is not always found in the familiar and our defenses do not always protect. Deep emotional healing is received as we let go – choosing conscious change is a means of welcoming freedom from the known.

Boundless New Moon LOVE to all!

New Moon in Cancer: July 15 @ 9:26pm EST