“Don’t wait for the world to change. Change your mind about the world.” ~ Alan Cohen 

FULL MOON in GEMINI: Nov 25 @ 5:44pm EST 3 degrees

Today’s Full Moon in Gemini is a culmination of the deliberate seeds we anchored into our consciousness at the New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 11 when we were called back to our Wild and Deliberate nature; we felt deeply into our personal sense of truth and used our instincts and sense awareness to open our minds and hearts to clear direct perception. Now, at the apex of this lunation we are feeling a more sobering albeit confused affect with the moon in opposition to Saturn (conjunct the Sun) and squaring Neptune.

We are getting real with ourselves, our dreams, and how we view reality. Any resistance we experience inwardly or outwardly is a prophetic call to surrender and trust – a reminder to release, refine and reform what is. We may be questioning: Is this real? Is that real? What is real? Our imagination may have the urge to run wild, attempting to escape hard truths or preparing us to dream another dream – to aim our arrow in a new direction. Full moons naturally stir emotions and heighten our sensativity, and thus, confusion may ensue clouding our perception. The key is to detach from the mental play – to witness, observe and learn.

Often we seek freedom outwardly through rebellion or projecting our will, but inwardly freedom is a state of mind – a balanced state of consciousness – the ideas, beliefs, and perceptions we choose to align with. With Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn it might be wise to remember that what we mentally choose to synchronize with and rely on over time becomes the foundation and support (or lack thereof) for how we experience and confront our limitations and restrictions. We don’t want to be aloof and yet we don’t want to be rigid.  Entering the middle path, the space between two ideas or two realities is where we playfully learn to dance in harmony.  

I believe this lunation is giving us access to a freedom feeling or the middle way. And, although it might be unstabilizing at first with steadfast step by step commitment we will find our way.

“The Buddha’s insight into the middle way is not simply about a balance between extremes… The middle way is an invitation to leap beyond nirvana and samsara and to realize the unborn Buddha mind right in the middle of everywhere.” ~ Adyashanti

“The intersection of the macro universe and the micro universe will create a gate, or a door. Lao Tzu called this “the door to all wonders”. This is where yin and yang merge harmoniously. This is also called the Middle Way.” ~ Henry Chang

“Our life has a boundary but there is no boundary to knowledge. To use what has a boundary to pursue what is limitless is dangerous; with this knowledge, if we still go after knowledge, we will run into trouble.”  ~ Chuang Tzu

Key terms or concepts to consider for this lunation: commitment, mind alchemy, self-doubt, unresolved fear, unspoken truths, reality check, mind over matter, illusion vs. reality, good vs. bad, fear of the unknown, right timing, self-deception, rigidity and trust.

Gemini brings the energy of the trickster lending its playful hands in shapeshifting our deep vulnerable truths into curious innocence and a quick change of perception. These wonderful qualities of the playful jokester are present to turn things around and assist in changing our mind. Gemini also loves to give and receive information…it is a good time to sift through, condense, and revise.

Transformation is sometimes presumed to be heavy and hard, but today it is best viewed as playful, adventurous, and full of magical surprise. Breath by breath, step by step, day by day…we find our way….

May the spiritual winds of change ignite our minds with steadfast expansion as we think beyond the egos need to preserve itself. And, may we step through the clouds of confusion where all that has perservered over time is clearly in view – a landscape rooted in broad vision as we release, refine and reform – sustaining our evergrowing horizon of awareness while cultivating freedom from within.

Moon opposed Saturn in Sagittarius
Moon Square Neptune in Pisces
Saturn Square Neptune
Mercury in Sagittarius
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Mercury square Neptune
Mercury sextile Mars

Bright Full Moon Blessings to All!

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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