“Relationships only work in a spiritual sense when you and I really see that we are one.” ― Ram Dass

FULL MOON in GEMINI: Dec 13 @ 7:04pm EST at 22 degrees

Gemini, the twins, are known for their mental tricks and dualistic nature. Insatiably curious and information addicts they innately realize that at the core of all opposition lies a unifying force. Polarities are often seen as Creator’s expression of Divine Play and cannot exist outside the totality; it is here that the trickster Gemini gets to shine. 

Today’s full moon polarity is between Gemini (moon) and Sagittarius (sun); the lower, everyday mind and the higher, expanded mind. Although they appear conflicting they are, in fact, two sides of a whole. In esoteric yoga there are six primary polarities, also known a states of consciousness or chakras. Advaita, a sanksrit term meaning nonduality, is the idea that we are unified with no separation between the inner and outer world, between self and other, between conscious and subconscious.

If all oppositions are born out of a whole, then wholeness will inevitably prevail. This is the fundamental teaching of the Isha Upanishad and what is being illuminated in today’s Full Moon in Gemini.

“Those who see all creatures in themselves
And themselves in all creatures know no fear.
Those who see all creatures in themselves
And themselves in all creatures know no grief.
How can the multiplicity of life
Delude the one who sees its unity?”  
~ Isha Upanishad

THE KEY QUESTIONS FOR TODAY IS: What is it that unifies me? The answer will likely reveal the incongruencies you are currently attached to and where you are ready to let go in order to live more whole, and thus, more true.

With Saturn conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon, we may confront a prevailing truth and our personal commitment to that truth will likely be tested. Narrowing our focus and responsibility is essential now more than ever. Saturn can feel confrontational and heavy like a force of will outside ourselves, restrictive and limiting. However, if an uprising of fear, insecurity, guilt, self-worth, and shame are being felt know that the surgence is calling forth inner authority – ready to claim what is innately ours. Saturn reminds us that it’s time to grow up.

Nonduality is knowing what needs to be aligned in consciousness, what thoughts and actions are necessary to close the gap between polarities. The human dilemma stems from a feeling of separation and the thinking that opposites are not linked on some level; that truth is either one side or the other. Communication is the primal skill necessary to bridge the space between two opposing forces. And, since Gemini is the sign of communication, now is the time to cross that bridge. Communication is an essential component in any and all relationships.

The Moon trine Jupiter in Libra is encouraging decisiveness in relationship…a fundamental justice that knows when the scales are tipped. And, with Uranus in Aries opposing Jupiter there may be a pull toward freedom and independence…however, the revolutionary change at play is invariably occurring on a personal level. Jupiter’s (aka guru) lesson here will expand the gift in our ability to relate harmoniously.

Mercury is the ruler of this lunation and is associated with the throat or Vishudhha Chakra, meaning pure place. We are being encouraged to speak our highest truth with purity of heart – uncolored or convoluted by emotional distortions. How we commune with ourselves and our experience largely indicates how we commune with life and others.

As we come to know how, why, and when we are communicating out of alignment with our truth and the unity of our soul or how our thoughts might be navigating us into a sea of old patterns that seize our presence taking us on a karmic ride of angularity, we come to learn the primary lesson of self-mastery. Saturn is about controlling the one and only thing we truly can control…ourselves, and therefore, our minds. Here we claim our ultimate authority over self. We become one – unified.

Om shanti, Om peace…elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

May each of us stay focused with lazer like precision on the flame of burning inner truth – seeking those questions pregnant with answers. 

Moon opposed Saturn in Sagittarius (conjunct the Sun)
Moon trine Jupiter in Libra
Moon sextile Uranus in Aries
Jupiter oppose Uranus
Grand trine Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Mercury in Capricorn approaching Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde conjunct Pluto