Today’s NEW MOON in AQUARIUS is on the edge of the airy intellect of Aquarius (at 29 degrees 59 seconds) where both the Sun and Moon will quickly cross over into the dreamy seas of Pisces – our heady thinking will be consumed by a vast expanse of feeling. After sloughing off those pesky mental menaces, sifting through the veils of illusion, and clearing the clouds of thought, we discovered a dream hidden deep within the inner chambers of the heart which is now ready to re-surface. Through this lunation we’ll take all the information we gathered through last months mercury retrograde in Aquarius and lift our sails up to see how we can navigate the waters of consciousness through the great sea of unknown. It may well be time for us all to become one with The Tao or The Way. Taoism teaches us to YIELD to LIFE and all its seemingly chaotic forces. This yielding or merging with life is neither passive nor aggressive, but rather a deep acceptance of the organization of the cosmos and how it relates to our experience. From this state of awareness we merge with and become one with spirit.

“The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world.” Lao Tzu

Pisces is the sign of infinite love and as we dissolve the space between one another, between individuals and organizations, between group beliefs and self will, we get more and more comfortable with the unknown and this unknown is called the void. The void is the space between, where stillness resides. It is also the space of love. Love wants freedom and it wants all the old stories to die, so that it can express itself fully. We are being called up to live with a beginners mind – perceiving every day anew with ever greater wisdom and insight, in love and in life. The romantic in us all will surely shine through during this lunation, but this romance is a blend of hard truths and deep compassion in the attainment of our souls ultimate dream.

Wishing you all blessing upon blessing as you navigate the shifting winds and the changing tides. I hold space in you and I believe in you.

New Moon in Aquarius: Feb 18, 2015