When there is harmony between the mind, heart and resolution then nothing is impossible.” ~ Rig Veda


All new moons are new beginnings and the eclipses are super charged new moons and initiators; coinciding with the Vernal Equinox, this is a powerhouse breakthrough time that is all about establishing harmony. In harmony, we find ourselves and discover our freedom.

This lunation is heralding an ending and what needs to end is any story other than being a hero – a hero unto ourselves. We are walking on a ridge of what is conscious and unconscious, what is hidden and what is in view. Deep surrender and trust are necessary to utilize the map in our hands and embark on the journey of living the HERO. In doing so, all the illusive stories end and we tell the tale anew. We reshape the story by living our hearts conviction and being resolute in our actions – our life experience then becomes our message to the world. Joseph Campbell termed this the Hero’s Journey, or a monomyth, which is a basic pattern that is found in many narratives from around the world. Illusion must end, the tales that deceive us must die, any subconsious pattern or self imposed confinement must be dropped in order for us to live the hero within. Ask yourself: If today were to be the end how would I live? The final degree of Pisces is a time to surrender fully in order to awaken and rise into that which is most real..most true. We then step into Aries and become the fire that fuels initiation and change.

May we all be courageous and for each crossroad of self-discovery we come upon let us choose to be the hero and tell the story our spirit longs to fulfill.

It is a wondeful time to meditate and Bloom True – Happy Spring!

#moonmusings #starlightmuse #solareclipse#happyspring #bloomtrue #equinox #harmony