“By our trust in the divine beauty in every person we develop that beauty in ourselves.”  ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

FULL MOON in ARIES – Lunar Eclipse: Sep 27 @ 10:50pm EST 5 degrees

The autumnal equinox occurred this past Wednesday and annual equinox’s are symbolic thresholds; a crossing over into a new season, a new cycle. Sunday’s Full Moon is a lunar eclipse and eclipses are extra potent lunations that reverberate out six months to a year. Since this equinox is sandwiched between two eclipses it is vibrating with heightened potentiality.

Each equinox is a point of balance when day (light) and night (dark) are equal. It is the space between, a still point that links what appears to be opposing. It also marks the day the Sun enters the sign of Libra – the sign of justice, harmony and balance. Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and has reign over the heart – anahata chakra. Anahata is a sanskrit term meaning unstruck sound – it is akin to the void or the space between the upper and lower worlds. This lunation is a pivotal time for activating our devoted hearts with clear compassionate communication as we initiate our will in aligned focused action toward the greatest good of all.

Sunday’s solar eclipse in Aries is an initiation of Self as the pure essence of our being is preparing to rise from the dust of false realities. With retrograde Mercury conjunct the Sun and opposing the moon our inner stories are finding there way into harmony as we re-evaluate, reasses, and rememeber what is true to our hearts. The eclipses tend to expose what is not in view or what we aren’t seeing in consciousness and these past few weeks have likely highighted what needs more compassion, sincerity, justice and balance. The more we choose to see with honest eyes and receive with full acceptance, the more we’ll experience Radical Trust.

Radical Trust is believing in ourselves and in life; making decisions in alignment with our highest purpose and trusting life to fulfill itself and the ultimate good of our soul. This means, recognizing that there is a cosmic order to what may at times seem chaotic. Therefore, trusting that whatsoever makes us feel vulnerable, confused, or isolated is making its way into the light to be healed, uplifted and renewed. Our success is shown in our relationships. If our relationship to ourselves and others is in harmony, there is victory. And this will be the goal since the Aries in us is focused on the win. The “win” equates to acceptance of our inner truth and honestly living that truth.

Mars is the ruling planet of this lunation, therefore, whatever we are battling externally is best resolved by looking at the conflict within. Our greatest error is to elude ourselves that the cause of our discontent, frustration or irritation is coming from outside. The ultimate self-deception is to initiate or react without being mindful of the repurcussions and blaming others for our impatience or recklessness. This is a time of responsibility. Owning our actions and aligning all our energies with targeted focus creates a harmonious life. Radical Trust comes when we know our target and have committed focus toward that goal. Being committed to ourselves naturally invites greater commitment in relationship.

Since all eclipses involve the nodal axis, they are seen as signposts giving glimpses into the journey ahead as we draw wisdom from the road behind. We are being guided to resolve incongruencies and live in alignement with ourselves, with nature and with others. We are eradicating inner resistance, discovering the power of vulnerability, and speaking clearly in order to set the stage for the rest of the year – preparing to share the fullness of ourselves – becoming the devoted warrior within.

Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Libra
Sun conjunct North Node in Libra
moon conjunct South Node in Aries
Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn
Pluto in Capricorn squares Mercury Rx in Libra
Mars in Virgo square Saturn Sagittarius

May the source of All that is – grace, beauty, love and goodness – reveal the hidden layers of illusion and the many faces of self-deception masking clarity of mind, in order to activate the hidden codes lying dormant in the matrix of our perfected cosmology.

For All is perfect whole complete as it is and as we bring the song of our being into harmony with life through self-conscious awareness we freely dance in radical trust – connected, fluid, focused and fulfilled.

Infinite LOVE. Infinite SHANTI.

About The Author

Elaina is a kriya yogi, mentor, and visionary celebrating and exemplifying the value of spiritual life and holistic well being. Her personal mission is to awaken consciousness - igniting a spark of joy in every soul she meets. She teaches and writes regularly on subjects including astrology, yoga cosmology, and conscious living. She offers one-on-one spiritual guidance and group facilitation.

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