“Truth is found close to the ground, to the land, to the deep heart of humanity that is always looking to be free.” ~ Michael Meade

FULL MOON in TAURUS: Nov 14, 2016 @ 8:51 am EST at 22 degrees

Beauty symbolizes the purity of our hearts. To be Rooted in Beauty is to be compelled by purity, to be sattvic. That which is beautiful is sacred, and thus, revered and truthful. Stemming from the New Moon in Scorpio and our awakening to Clear Perception, this full moon is guiding us into an experiential understanding of true value and self-worth.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign based in sense experience and our deep connection to that which we can touch, taste, see, smell, hear, and feel. Whatsoever we identify as the greatest resource is where we discover the greatest value. And, Taurus teaches us about our core values. First and foremost the value of self-sustainment and then the fulfillment of our resources, or self-fulfillment.

Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is transiting through the sign of Capricorn a cardinal earth sign. Here Venus, the planet of grace and love, brings us back to our roots and to the foundations that sustain us. This is an invitation to take conscious, loving, supportive action toward what we most revere at the ground level. An inner revolution that is grounded is more likely to transform and rise up than an infertile reaction or undeveloped idea.

Venus is the supreme ruler over the heart or Anahata Chakra (meaning unstruck sound). In it’s highest expression this energy center is the space between vibration where we access the pure potential of our being. This neutral space (also called the zero point) is where we touch inspiration and claim our ultimate truth and creativity.  And, as a reflection of recent political events in America each of us has an opportunity to unify ourselves. To reconnect with and feel into the neutral space of possibility and to trust ourselves by making choices with aligned action.

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” – John Keats

Beauty equates to balance and Venus is showing us how to reclaim our integrity and live true. In facing our fears and limitations we inevitably confront truth. We then decide how our actions will align with our insight. Any side of an extreme will inevitably reveal its opposition, and thus, presents an opportunity to step into balance. Capricorn is about taking responsibility for ourselves, our values, and our foundations. Understanding our boundaries becomes bottom line to trusting in our hearts.

ASK YOURSELF: (These questions to awaken your personal responsibility to Beauty.)
+ How does love and beauty sustain me?
+ Am I guarding the sacred altar of your mind?
+ Are my core values rooted in grace?
+ Do I honor what I own (my resources)?

Think, act, be always in Equanimity… feel it deep within your bones….
You can do this! I encourage you to become the authority of your own sacred life.

Honoring each of you for your exquisite brilliance.
Om shanti, elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

May the ground of our being become the sacrad altar we worship, providing all we require to confidently rise up in Beauty – the grace that we are born from and our sovereign anchor.

Moon sextile Chiron
Venus in Capricorn
Venus trine North Node