I did not
have to ask my heart what it wanted,
because of all the desires I have ever known just one did I cling to
for it was the essence of
all desire:
to know beauty.
~ St. John of the Cross

VENUS + SUN + PLUTO are conjunct in Capricorn today Jan 9, 2018. This is a highly magnetic and attractive combination with a potential purifying effect. Transformational love and SHAKTI power are being activated by the Sun in the sign that brings us back to the essential ground of our being, where Venus captivates us in beauty as a feeling to behold – beauty as Truth. And, with Pluto in the mix these feelings are sure to be penetrating and intense.

This dynamic triad is sextile to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio charging us with the depths of emotional wisdom to support all themes related to harmonizing our resources, values, security, authority, control, sexuality, attachment, power self-worth, and vulnerability.

VENUS empowered is a force to be reckoned with and her Majesty undeniable. It is time for the oppressive, degrading manipulative, controlling, abusive, dishonorable acts toward BEAUTY to END.

For truly, it is the essence of all desire to know and embody the divine authority and utter mastery…of beauty.

+++ For a personalized reading related to these transits CONTACT me HERE. +++