“They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.” ~ Rumi

FULL MOON in PISCES: Sep 16, 2016 @ 3:05pm EST at 24 degrees

ECLIPSE WOW! We are ALL in it and by consciously surrendering to being in it together, we will most definitely come through it.

This eclipse is our initiation (or at least a glimpse) into the Ultimate Reality, or Brahman. And, it is through our devotion to Becoming our true nature as it merges with others and life and by Surrendering to our highest presence that allows us to expand our awareness of Truth beyond our individual perceptions.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and often coincides with an ending and in this case an ending to an old routine, a way of thinking/speaking, or a practice that has been sabotaging our dreams. The moon always relates to our emotions, and thus, our responses to the mass surge of feelings. With Mars in Sagittarius forming a T-square to this eclipse our responses will tend to be more reactive, based on a belief that “I am right.” However, it’s not about right and wrong as much as it’s about understanding and putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Mars may trigger a wound we think we need to protect.

Love is the sacrifice of will.
If you cannot leave will behind
You have no will at all.
~ Rumi

Our realization of unity will allow us to feel deeper into the Truth of our experience. The keys to open the doors of interpersonal connection are compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance toward ourselves and others. The highest expression of Pisces is a feeling of unity and absorption of the totality. Being one of the most sensitive and absorptive signs of the zodiac, Pisces teaches us personal boundaries and a discerning method for understanding what is ours and what is not. We may feel a sense of deception from those in our lives, however, deception stems from a lack of personal responsibility. Responsibility is understanding our limits and knowing when and how we are compromising our integrity.

The gateway of this lunation began at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces on September 1 when we began forging our way through the inner recesses of our minds exploring the vast arena of our subconscious where potential saboteurs have been readily showing us the incongruencies in our individual realities. These opposing patterns build a magnetic forcefield that may conflict with our highest good and continue to attract the very challenges we seek to overcome.

Dismantling this forcefield requires some serious purification. And, that is exactly what we’ve been doing… clearing out, letting go, as we confront the ego. Mercury Rx in Virgo is cleansing our thought processes, the clinging to old stories, and our ability to communicate clearly and with love. We’ve likely seen where we can be most critical and judgemental and how we can soften into a feeling state to better discern and articulate our emotions.

Ideal versus practical and imagined versus reality are the polarities we are adjusting to. Realizing where we are over-compromising, being too self-sacrificing, judgmental, or critical will give us the greatest insight into how the scales are being balanced.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is conjunct the moon and opposing the Sun exposing our deep inner wounds – showing up as two opposing forces. Our ego may attempt to protect what it cannot control creating a great deal of resistance…the pressure is here to support and ultimately nudge (or potentially push) us to surrender. Take a breath and let it go…

Dreams are highlighted here, considering whether we are able to grasp our dreams and bring them into reality, or recognize that they are too far-fetched and out of reach. When our day to day devotion is aligned with the soul’s call we integrate with spirit, we remember the truth of who we are.

Ask yourself: How is my day to  day devotion leading me toward my dreams, or not? Is my  focus aligned with my goals? Is my heart devoted to a fantasy/ideal or to the practical necessities? Am I willing to surrender egoic urges to my innate need for connection and unification?

Sending infinite healing moonbeams to each and every one of you! xo elaina

May the conscious waters of life infinitely flow through all the ripples and swells, gently leading us to the current of deep soul wisdom beyond the egoic swamp of disillusionment, that we might surrender to the dream of God and offer our will to Divine.

Moon conjunct Chiron in Pisces
Neptune in Pisces conjunct South Node
Moon/Sun T-square Mars in Sagittarius
Sun inconjunct Uranus
Sun opposite Chiron