“He who is brave is free.” ― Seneca

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in LEO: Feb 10, 2016 at 7:32am EST @ 22 degress

Today’s Lunar Eclipse is an extra vibrant Full Moon illuminating the Leo/Aquarius polarity, and giving us access to the majesty of our being as it aligns with our unique individual expression. Loyalty to ourselves first becomes the fuel to fire up our strengthening contribution in community.

We are preparing to lead our lives with more courage and virtue than ever before paving the path for a Brave New You, a new experience, and a new world. Rather than staying tangled in the drama of our past conditioning or the ideology of status quo, we choose to consciously create the story of our dreams. With the elements of fire and air supporting us we currently have access to both the charge and the transport to ignite and disperse our creative passions.

Eclipses are natural occurring cosmic portals…with an opportunity to propel us forward (letting go and letting in) with a long term impact, and in this case we must step out of our comfort zone by passing through fears in order to boldly and bravely be our brilliant selves. It takes fortitude to live the lives we imagine and to creatively express ourselves, and now is an excellent time to do just that.

Do take caution with being overly dramatic, indulgent, or egotistical (and pride is invariably another wall we must surmount), but certainly be generous with your heart. Leo is ruled by the Sun and has no choice to but shine in all its glory, to share and attract love. Also, keep in mind that playful charm is one of Leo’s greatest resources.

This Lunar Eclipse has beneficial links to both Jupiter and Uranus and even with the opposing tension between them it may prove to impress the fulfillment of more personal freedom and greater expansion in relationship. This is definitely not a time for doing what is pleasing to others just to get the recognition we need. Self-denial is only healthy if it supports our integrity and in no way diminishes authentic expression.

Commitment to our intrinsic nature is strong with Saturn in Sagittarius trine the Moon and sextile the Sun. Being noble does not always look or feel comfortable, safe, or admirable…but regardless, we must know thyself, follow the path of heart, and live true.

In these epic times it is encouraged to venerate our differences, claim our personal authority, be responsible for our lives, and live always from the center.

Radiating Vibrant Love to ALL… elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

As sovereign beings, may the reign of our lives be filled with nobility, strength, exuberance, charm and the radiant splendor of a thousand suns.

Moon sextile Jupiter
Moon trine Uranus
Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries
Moon trine Saturn
Sun trine Jupiter
Sun sextile Uranus
Sun sextile Saturn