“Purity is an inherent attribute of the soul.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

NEW MOON in VIRGO – Solar Eclipse: Sep 13 @ 2:41am EST 20 degrees

There is so much I have to say about this lunation, that I hardly know where to begin…

We are at a crossroads in consciousness. A portal to heightened awareness and connection to our deepest truth, and thus, our purest embodied expression. But first, we must discern what truth is… Clear discernment requires that we embody our purity. That does not mean we expect perfection, but rather that we fully ACCEPT EVERYTHING as it is – even our experiences of incongruencies, dualities, irreverent actions and distasteful outcomes.  Acceptance = Healing. Yes, there are always consequences for our actions, but they can be healed through acceptance and the choice that comes in present action. This is a time to heal impurities of the soul by accepting life and heeding the responsibility of our innate essence.

There is a deep inner knowing of a consciousness greater than our individual horizon of awareness – a masterfully organized cosmology. Yoga teaches that life itself is whole perfect complete as it is, and since we are a part of life, we too are whole perfect complete as we are. The Virgo tendency is to judge and one thing we must judge above all else is knowing when we are out of alignment, out of sync, or out of tune.  We always know when something doesn’t feel right, and so, we strive to both discern and feel more deeply – remembering what is true.

Mercury, as the ruling planet of Virgo and the symbol of mind, is highly activated and we may find ourselves overwhelmed by details or caught in a web of stories.  This will be especially heightened as Mercury begins its retrograde in Libra in less than a week.  Power struggles may surface (Mercury square Pluto) as we seek mental harmony in the mirror of our relationships.  The ego stories are often judgemental and critical of imperfections, and even though these stories are false and illusive they often become obstacles (not to mention potential dis-ease-s in the body) in manifesting our truth… this veil of illusion is our unwillingness to look at and accept what is and then to act in accordance with that knowing – that truth.

When we are aligned with ourselves and with life there is never a reason or a thought to be critical. And therefore we use the quality of Virgo and her ability to distill thoughts to there purest form, letting go of all the unnecessary details in order to heal and transform the present. It is in presence that we heal.

With Chiron in the sign of Pisces opposing the Sun/moon we are feeling into our old wounds and becoming deeply intimate with embedded scars or shadows of the past.  Venus’s recent retrograde through Leo gave us an opportunity to embrace these deep vulnerabilities as many of our relationship issues surfaced from the underworld. This new moon has a regenerative power to heal and replenish the cells of these old scars as we decide to live from the wisdom of our wounds rather than the pain.

Virgo is an earth sign and so this lunation is all about practicality and manifesting… bringing to form the essence of our physical nature in union with spirit and divine order.  There are three aspects of nature in yoga called the gunas. The pure state, that which we strive for in yoga, is called sattva. Sattva is a balanced state in nature. It is calm, peaceful, and clear. It is also the state we are seeking in consciousness. When we think, speak, and act in a balanced state of consciousness we are living in purity. This is our natural state. Karmic urges and ego drives propel us into rajasic (active, aggressive) states or into tamasic (inactive, passive) states.

As we become more self-aware or self-realized we naturally live more balanced and all our actions align to what is clear, peaceful and pure – sattvic. Living a balanced life is living purposefully and that is the goal of our Virgo nature.  Through our committed discipline and devotion (bhakti) to our goal, along repeated daily practice (sadhana), we come to master both ourselves and our trade.  This level of self-mastery gives us the confidence to surrender and let go of control so we can receive more inspiration.  Whatever we come to master eventually becomes automatic creating more space for spirit to flow.  We are after all embodied spirits moving through time (kala purusha), so let’s make choices to live more spirited!

This lunation is a partial solar eclipse. Eclipses magnify the potency of the energies at play making this weekend a powerful portal of alchemy and transformation that is has been brewing for some time. Everyone is feeling it! So feel into it. We are being initiated into the pure or sattvic nature of our soul and remembering our rooted connection to earth, humanity and spirit – initiates of our sacred truths. Profound FORGIVENESS is wonderful medicine during this time and can create miraculous openings to the sweet joys of life. I will delight in seeing you all on the other side – more alive, more pure, more authentic than ever before!

As my Beloved Guru always said: “Be thou Blessed, be thou Blessed, be thou triply Blessed…that you might be an ever greater Blessing to those around you.” Om shanti