“Persistence guarantees that results are inevitable.” — Paramahansa Yogananda

Today’s full moon is basking in the radiant glow of the two great benefics Venus and Jupiter, communing the qualites of grace and expansion in the sign of Leo (the lion, the leader, the dramatist, the indulgent). This conjunction is a blessing of celebration to the Capricorn full moon bringing a sense of lightness and play to its sometimes rigid, sober and unending nature. Jupiter as teacher (guru) of the heart (Venus) reminds us to listen for and honor that which is unspoken, since our sensative ego’s might roar out for attention. Any intentions of expanded love and heartful visioning will certainly be well favored.

With Pluto and Mars also influencing the Sun/Moon polarity there is an added force of power and drive to get our needs met and meet success. It is a time for clarifying our commitments and persisting in aligned presence toward our goal. Emotions may be elevated or agitated offering an opportunity to transform any historical childlike reactions. It’s all about responding with wisdom rather than reacting unconsciously (or with haste) since mars will be inclined to heat things up and potentially bring the sensative waters of cancer to a boil. Devotion to heartful expression through the stable forces of committed practice will create a platform for long term change and transformation.

Yoga teaches that daily discipline and constant dispassion are necessary in order to see clearly and attain our goal. Therefore, letting go of attachements is a must. This lunation may stir the ego’s innate urge to cling to what is comfortable, and thus, committing to persistence is a viable option.

Bright Full Moon Blessings Beautiful Friends. Root down and Rise up!

“When that practice is done for a long time, without a break, and with sincere devotion, then the practice becomes a firmly rooted, stable and solid foundation.” ~ Yoga Sutras 1.14

Full Moon in Capricorn on June 1 @ 10:20pm EST