An Act of Confidence

Self-confidence is an inner trust that is completely void of arrogance or superiority. It does not reveal itself through seeking or pretending to be something other than what one is; one can only truly express...

Being Thankful

Being Thankful is a Choice. When we choose to be thankful we create an attitude and energetic environment of contentment or santosha.  Santosha is the second niyama or ethical observance in yoga. When we a...

Truth Is…

“The future stands firm... but we move about in infinite space.” ~Rilke written April 14, 2010 Dear Fellow Seeker, Truth Is... We are unable to see, feel, or be in the midst of the expanse we know we are, y...


"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to re-enter." ~ Meister Eckhart Today, I Choose... Are my personal prayers of intention and commitments for this season of endings and renewal - The Winter Solstic...