“As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly the fire of self-knowledge reduces all karma to ashes.” ~ Bhagavad Gita 

FULL MOON in ARIES: Oct 16, 2016 @ 12:23am EST at 23 degrees

Is there something in you burning to be revolutionized? Are you ready to break new ground or rise up from the ashes? This Aries Full Moon is active with potential and anxious to initiate our Blazing Inner Fire. Uranus, the planet of moksha or liberation, is conjunct the moon and is ready to radically shift the old paradigm, awakening the soul’s call to aligned action. Whatsoever has been latent or inactive is about to ignite. Denial is no longer an option on the path of personal fulfillment and inner harmony.

Today’s Full Moon in Aries evokes the courage of self-love. So much so, that we undoubtedly trust in and act upon the purity of our passions and soul fire. Taking responsibility for our actions is the most honorable use of personal power. Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, is in the sign Capricorn and it is here that our desires are focused on establishing roots, re-building foundations, and conquering limitations. Our awareness is ever more heightened to the knowing that security of our soul is founded through right action and it is here that our individual authority is realized.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, is conjunct Mars in Capricorn. We are sharpening our perceptions of reality and utilizing Pluto’s piercing precision to harness initiative, transmute our fears, and ignite the flames of truth. When Mars and Pluto come together the force is most certainly with us, and in this case, the force to take transformative action and re-build our identities.

This cathartic process is most likely an inner job, so it may be wise to guard our conscious taking extra caution with our thoughts and words. Mercury, the planet of communication and mind, is in the sign of Libra forming a square to the Mars/Pluto conjunction. Mercury in Libra will do just about anything to keep the peace, including going against itself. Always remember that the mind has a tendency to distort reality based on ego needs. We seize the chattering of the mind by unifying our thoughts and actions, yoking our consciousness. Staying aware, clear, steady, and focused is the key.

Agni, the Sanskrit term for fire, is .an energetic force that can be used to burn away impurities bringing us closer to our essence and the inner flame of truth. Aries is a fire sign and this rebellious lunar energy is urging us to break new ground by stepping into the blazing fire of our heart’s desire in alignment with our personal responsibility and power.

This full moon is born out of the New Moon in Libra and the interplay of cooperation and independence, and the colliding needs of both. Trusting in Love becomes the foundation for trusting in ourselves.The mirror of other always shows us what needs to be balanced in us. We’ve spent the past several weeks sifting through and clearing away the hazy mirror to better access the source of our resistance in connection to other and soul unity.

Always remember that sometimes the process of achieving balance requires that we swing to the opposite polarity.  Knowing where we are on the pendulum of independence and inter-dependence will give us additional insights as to how this lunation is encouraging us to assert our will.

Right action is the remedy for wrong action and we always know right from wrong, no matter what we tell ourselves. Come to know the voice of truth and then live by it.

“Trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” ~ Goethe

Blaze forth Brilliant One!
Om shanti, elaina
[Elaina offers personal astrological counseling and spiritual mentorship for anyone ready to claim their true authority and live a life of fulfillment… for a list of SERVICES click here or contact Elaina.]

May the blazing inner flame of truth uplift our spiritual fire burning through veils of illusion and conquering inner resistance – as we transform our fears into fierceness of integrity and unbound self-worth.

Moon conjunct Uranus
Mars in Capricorn
Mars conjunct Pluto
Mars square Mercury